

An addicting fun 3D Space Shooter to Music, featuring Noisia, Zomboy, sKisM and many more! SineWave is the must have music game for Windows 10. Pilot your spaceship with quick swipes and destroy enemy drones with taps; all in time with the epic bass soundtrack. Created by veteran developers from the Guitar Hero and DJ Hero series! SINEWAVE is … the best elements of all your favourite ‘runner’ style games … combined with the best of all your favourite rhythm action games to an awesome soundtrack … all that wrapped up in an awesome 3D Space Shooter! Simple, accessible and addictive game-play, polished visuals and a banging dynamic soundtrack that’s tied directly to the action! Pilot your ship through treacherous environments, shooting enemies and collecting valuable salvage. Then use the salvage to upgrade your ship and weapon systems in order to improve your ability to harvest even more salvage! "Mad Fellows has completely knocked this one out of the park!" - 5/5 - Grabit Magazine "The whole time my head is bopping with both satisfaction and concentration."... "Having completed a song on Normal, I was able to notch it up to Hard. This is where Sinewave really comes alive!" - Pocket Gamer "Ok, so this is dope!" – SkisM

Ekran rasmlari

Odamlarga yana yoqadi

Bu versiyada qanday yangiliklar bor

- v1.2.10 updated arm build for devices


  • • Simple, accessible and addictive game-play, polished visuals and a banging dynamic soundtrack tied directly to the action!
  • • Pilot your ship through treacherous environments, shooting enemies and collecting valuable salvage.
  • • Unlock, upgrade and customise your ships and weapons systems
  • • Master over 10 different music levels, gain achievements and earn yourself a place on the global leaderboards.
  • • Enjoy the full game experience in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish

Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot

Ishlab chiqaruvchi

Mad Fellows Ltd

Mualliflik huquqi

(C) 2015 Madfellows Ltd

Ishlab chiqardi:

Mad Fellows Ltd

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197,46 Mb

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12 yosh va undan kattalar uchun



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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

Til qo‘llab-quvvatlanadi

English (United States)

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SineWave veb-sayti
SineWave yordami

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