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Guess the song with SongPop Classic! Take this musical quiz and play online with people from all around the world. Challenge your friends with trivia that includes songs from all musical styles. If you love trivia and music, you will love SongPop, the most famous song trivia game! Guess the Song with SongPop Classic! Listen to more than 100,000 real music clips from artists such as the award-winning Billie Eilish, the renowned Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, Cardi B, classic tunes from Queen, and more in the world’s most popular music quiz game. Guess the correct artist and song title faster than everyone else to win! Challenge Your Friends with Musical Trivia! Are you always the first one to guess that song playing at a party? Challenge your friends on your favorite playlists to see who is the best at guessing in this song game: Who will be the fastest to find the name of that song and get to the highest worldwide ranking? With SongPop Classic, master playlists, discover new songs and artists, and claim your trophies! Compete with Music Lovers from All Around the World! We offer different ways of playing this trivia game. In Party mode, you compete against hundreds of players in daily multiplayer tournaments in SongPop Classic. Can you get the most prestigious badges from this music battle? Develop Your Music Knowledge! In Practice Mode, meet Melody, the SongPop mascot, and practice your song quiz skills with her in solo mode. All playlists are free so you can try to guess that song you heard in a commercial, and discover more music samples every day. Buy your favorites and challenge your friends in this music trivia guessing game. Find your best matches every day: Play with users who share the same musical taste and have some fun. There Is Music for Everyone! SongPop is a music trivia song game for all generations, with questions on dozens of music genres, such as today’s top hits, classic rock songs, legendary country favorites, the best rap and hip hop songs of all times, and great pop artists; but also indie bands, Latin hits, and much more! There are song collections for every decade, from the early '60s to the latest hits, covering all the music history of the years in between! New music, worldwide contests, and more playlists added every day!

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We're delighted to bring you a new update packed with exciting features and improvements: - Spread the love with our new Friend Gifting feature! Send and receive gifts with your friends to enhance your SongPop Classic experience. Enjoy a smoother and more reliable game with our latest technical enhancements. We've fixed bugs and made quality-of-life improvements to ensure a seamless gameplay experience.


  • Listen to hundred of thousands of songs and guess as fast as you can.
  • Challenge your friends or play against music lovers worldwide.
  • New music and exclusive playlists are added every day.
  • Compete in party mode against hundreds of players in daily multiplayer tournaments.
  • Music for everyone organized in dozens of different genre and decades. ok with that ?

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