

People lived in the northern kingdom of Wintersea with the Spirit of Fire. He warmed everything with his flame - and people took care of his fiery creatures in return. However, one day the Spirit of Fire and all his servants suddenly left people and went to the Heavenly mountains… You are a tamer of magical creatures. Together with your grandmother Dayona, you keep order in the snowy forest. Your grandmother is known as the best tamer, but now you are to take her place and go on the dangerous expedition to prevent the kingdom from becoming a snowy grave. Find all the Books of Spells to become a more powerful tamer! Collect the energy spheres to exchange them for the magical creatures! Gather all the magical amulets to protect yourself from evil spirits! Save the Spirit of Fire and restore peace in Wintersea in the Bonus Chapter!

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© 2021 DominiGames, Ltd

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