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Taoists of Immortal is a well-produced Chinese self-cultivation simulation mobile game. It depicts a classic and magnificent immortal world with its unique style. [Beautiful Scenery, Chinese Extravaganza] In a metaverse of immortal cultivation, you can build your own homeland and create your forces in a picturesque immortal world. Here you will practice various spells, study artifacts, improve various attributes, and grow with your partners enjoying the beautiful scenery. [Friends or Foes, Interact with Each Other] You will meet various partners who may help you achieve the goal, who may become a guide or even an obstacle on your journey to immortality. [Glorious Cloths, Change as You Like] Dozens of gorgeous clothes are for you and your partner. You will find your favorite one. [Artifacts and Skills Help You Fight] Many artifacts and skills are hiding in the game. You discover them and use them. Skills make the fight strategy versatile. Create a glamorous fairy-style fight.

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