The Excrawlers (Windows 10)

Oʻrnatishni administrator tasdiqlashi zarur. Operatsion tizim uchun minimal talablar: Windows 10 May 2019 Yangilanishi.Tizim talablarini ko‘ring



Excrawlers is an action-RPG rougelike game in which you and other heroes will embark into the atmospheric dungeons and realms full of monsters and madness. Find out how you got here, complete all the challenges and defeat five deadly bosses to be able to escape this prison realm!

Ekran rasmlari


  • The choice is yours: During your journey, you will encounter various controversial characters. Help, kill or avoid, the choice is yours. But remember, everything has the consequences.
  • Create unique builds: Flexible skill-leveling systems and equipment sets will allow you to create a unique build which will fit your playstyle the most.
  • Modify: Doppelgangers? Fire arrows? Explosive arrows? Or maybe everything at once? Special modifiers' system makes each run special.
  • Explore: Prison realm consists of five completely different locations - from a steel cave full of medieval robots, to a parallel dimensions. Explore the secrets of this place.

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Windows 10 qurilmasiga S rejimida oʻrnatish imkonsiz


Windows 10 kompyuterida oʻrnating hamda Microsoft hisobingizga ulanganingizda kirish imkoniga ega boʻling. Oʻrnatishni administrator tasdiqlashi zarur

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English (United States)

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The Excrawlers (Windows 10) yordami

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