

Feel what it's truly like to be alone in the dark with this low-res, high-suspense point-and-click horror adventure, winner of multiple Best Games of the Year awards. Set in Victorian England, when Jeremiah Devitt receives a letter from his old schoolmate Anthony Beechworth with a hidden, cryptic message, he knows something is wrong. His journey to an abandoned manor is only the beginning as he starts to remember a long-buried secret from his youth, discovering things man was not meant to know, and opening doors that should have remained closed… The Last Door: Collector’s Edition contains four terrifying episodes of occult and otherworldly horror inviting you to investigate Victorian England's deepest, darkest secret. Featuring new scenes and puzzles, enhanced graphics, unlockable bonuses, and remastered sound. Explore ancient manors, decaying tenements, and twisting underground warrens with little but a lamp and magnifying glass to guide you. Dare you open The Last Door: Collector's Edition? Key Features: Award-winning point-and-click horror adventure set in Victorian England Features exclusive new locations, scenes, puzzles, stories, and more Upgrades include enhanced graphics and remastered sound Four critically-acclaimed scenarios, one limited-edition set Unlock new extras and bonus content Haunting, original musical score by Carlos Viola Inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft Check out for more games about to be released!

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