

Welcome to The Pillar! Mystery puzzle game on an even more mysterious Island. MYSTERY Cleverly mixing mystery and puzzle-solving, the Pillar takes you deep into an unknown world where you explore and relish your surroundings. Each Island has its own unique feel and secrets and it's up to you to solve them. PUZZLES In order to solve puzzles you must pay attention to things around you as they change and evolve. Keep a clear and open mind as you approach them which unfolds another room to another mystery, another puzzle, and a challenge. ESCAPE Your only hope is to find your way from the everchanging maze of puzzles and escape the mythical cage. Can you solve them all and.... wake up? Dozens of challenging puzzles await you to solve them!

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1.0.8 - Two new levels - New sprint feature


  • Overcome more than 100 immersive puzzles
  • Each level brings new challenges and your only hope is to find your way from the ever changing maze of puzzle escape
  • Find all pieces of the story scattered through all levels

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Paper Bunker

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Paper Bunker s.r.o.

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Paper Bunker s.r.o.

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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

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English (United Kingdom)

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