Foydalanish mumkin:
The ultimate time killer to slay your boredom! Tower Bloxx: Build Cityis a addicting tower block stacking game. The higher you construct your building 🏢, the higher your score. 📈 Build the highest skyscraper which is belong to you. How to Play 1. Stack up the blocks and construct a tower 2. Build the tower as tall as you can. Don't Tap too fast! Features ● Very fun and enjoyable game ● Rhythm music and beautiful graphics ● Suitable for players of all age ● Tiny game size and run well ● Physics-based game, challenge your balance ability Building your construction seems easy, but it takes some practice and perfect timing to build the tallest skyscraper in town. You’ll need good hand-eye coordination to defeat your friends highscores. 🎯 Tower Bloxx: Build City is perfect to kill some time when you’re bored at school, while traveling or sitting behind your desk at the office. You'll love this game for it! 🕟 Put your safety helmet on and prevent bricks from tumbling down the avenues of your metropolis magapolis! 👷 The sky has no limit! In our most anticipated upcoming update you can build your own controversial gold plated Trump Tower. 💰
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MiniCraft King Gaming StudioChiqarilgan sana
07/06/2019Taxminiy hajmi
19,87 MbYosh reytingi
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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.Til qo‘llab-quvvatlanadi
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