

Toy Car Simulator is a 3D car simulator game which lets you play with dozens of toy cars! It's a game with various game modes: free ride in which you freely explore a big city and collect coins, highway mode in which you participate in an adrenaline pumped high-speed car race to collect coins and avoid traffic, and lastly arena mode in which you compete with other toy cars to eliminate each other. In the first 2 modes, your car relies on battery; fill it occasionally by picking up the red thunder power-up. Don't forget to collect coins to unlock more awesome rides, including a helicopter and even a tank! All of the game modes are guaranteed to let you have fun for hours! Toy Car Racing 3D Features: - Different Type of Vehicles - Day & Night Levels - Best Vehicle Physics - Lovely Graphics - Quality Game Sounds Start your toy engines! In Toy Car Simulator you can drive the toy car of your choice around in three exciting game modes: free ride, highway, and arena. Earn coins to upgrade your ride and unlock new cars. How far and how fast can you go in this fun, free online car simulator?

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Tiny Hot Real Games: Craft, Sport, RPG

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