Foydalanish mumkin:
Unlike other solitaire games which could be traced to as early as 18th century, the Tri-Peaks (also known as Three Peaks, Tri Towers or Triple Peaks) is relatively new: it was invented in 1989 by Robert Hogue. As any other successful game, millions of Solitaire clones have been created on all possible platforms. So why should you give our version a try? We tried to recreate all the fun of original game with many card laouts in a tiny download package. The game starts with a specific layout and one open card. Rest of the cards are on closed stack. Your aim is to move all the cards to open card. - You can move any of the open card on the three peaks to the open card if it is adjacent to it regardless of the suit. e.g. you can move a 3 or 5 in case the open card is 4. Either King or 2 can go on top of the Ace (and vice versa). - If you are unable to move any card you can open a close card. - Every time you move a card from layout to open card you get points. These points start with 1 for the first time and increase by 1 for subsequent cards. However if you open a close card the streak breaks and the point start from 1 again. Earn bonus points for left over closed cards or for fast finish.
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GASP Mobile Games IncMualliflik huquqi
2012 GASPIshlab chiqardi:
GASP Mobile Games IncChiqarilgan sana
17/01/2013Taxminiy hajmi
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