

Battle through your way till the end, it’s a war against all the odds come across while reaching to the destination. Awaken in the lost Urban Area the last memory was a plane crash got hit by enemy attack. You landed safely but this is not the end! Urban Crime Commando Shooting 3D is real war game. Its really challenge for you to complete your mission. Enemy has taken your land and they make their camp and making trouble in your country. You are only last person left from your force. It’s your challenge to kill enemies before they kill you and take back your land from enemy and become a hero. After a long time of the attack on the innocent civilians of your country, you have got a chance to enter the enemy base camp at frontline. A long struggle and your will power have provided you a chance to take revenge of the innocent people murdered by the cruel enemy. Now is the time to apply your skills of fighting and prove yourself as a great commando. In this mission you have provided a gun, but you can find various kinds of weapons from the enemy’s base camp like AK-47, a MP5 gun and pump action etc. along with bullets and ammos. It will get difficult for you level by level but keeping in mind the blood of your innocent country fellows will boost you up to take revenge of their defenseless killing. Go ahead and start shooting the cruel enemy force step by step and enter your name in the history as a great brave solider!!!

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  • A great FPS game
  • Challenging mission
  • Different varieties of weapon
  • Excellent adventure environment

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Urban Crime Commando Shooting 3D yordami

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