

Violin Melody Master is new play for violin music. It is easy but addictive.Not as challenging as playing a real violin but it can still extend your music enjoyment of violin.Just tap the notes which are generated by violin melody.Even you are not familiar with violin, you can still be a violinist. [How to Play] - Select your favorite song - Tap the note and follow the tracks of the notes with your finger - Don't miss any notes on the screen - Control your finger speed to cater to the rhythm of the music [Hot Features] - Awesome design and graphics - High quality violin music sound tracks - Play violin with totally new game play - 10 classical violin songs - Make your favorite songs freely and easy to access - Challenge yourself for different difficult levels - Coordinate with background piano music - Share your records with your friends Are you ready to tap and be a violinist ?

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New play with violin music. Tap notes through the melody of violin songs 🎻

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Violin Go! yordami

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