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In the whirlwind of tank battles, the fate of real heroes is born. Welcome to the exciting game war War Tanks! Tanks online game combines the intersection of genres such as shooter, race, arcade, action and strategy. Download tanks online, you won't be bored! The battle tank in War Tanks has its own unique features and characteristics that allow you to choose the perfect means to achieve victory. Take a look at the formidable iron machines filled with power, ready to crush opponents in their path. And don't confuse War Tanks with War Tanks! Become a part of the world army and fight in various theaters of war. Take part in the historical online battles of the Second World War, fight your way through deserted deserts or join the battle in the ruins of the city. You will have to overcome various landscapes and use the environment to your advantage to defeat the enemy. Managing your battle tank is not easy, it requires skills. Improve your strategy and skills, train your crew, upgrade your tank modifications and weapons. Open up new opportunities to create a mighty battle tank capable of resisting any challenges on the battlefield. Accept the challenge and join online tank battles against players from all over the world. Prove your skill and tactical strategies in intense tank team battles. Play with your friends and develop the perfect tank strategy to dominate your opponents and become real heroes of the virtual canvas of tank online war. War Tanks offers an exciting and realistic combat experience that will completely immerse you in the atmosphere of military operations. Feel the atmosphere of battle, hear the roar of engines and the roar of explosions, feel the spirit of rivalry and adrenaline, running along the front line.. Develop your career as a tanker, go from beginner to legendary commander. Earn experience and rating, get well-deserved army awards and achievements. Unlock your potential and become a real hero in the war tank battles. Engage in battles with other players in exciting PvP modes. Feel the adrenaline and tactical tension in one-on-one battles or team tank battles. Become a part of an elite squad of tank teams and cooperate to arrange a merciless tank warfare battlefield. It's time to join the tank war in War Tanks! Feel the power of tanks and overcome any obstacles on the way to victory. Take your place in history and become a real legendary warrior. In the game you will find genres: shooter, war, action, strategy, race Are you ready to become a king on the battlefield? Accept the challenge and join the battles in the online game War Tanks. This is an arms race, a combat strategy, an incessant action, and Defeat your opponents, win glory and prove your superiority in the war tank warfare. Become a legend of tank battles!

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  • ⚡ We have paid great attention to the details of our tank game war tanks, it has become much more interesting to fight on the world stage
  • ⚡ Different types of armor and equipment zones, upgrade your world battle tank to your liking, eliminate all your enemies on the world battlefield
  • ⚡ Team up online with friends in real time - Experience the fun of a multiplayer battle in PvP PvE TvT with friends. Become a hero in war tanks!
  • ⚡ Modern 3D graphics - effects, luxurious 3D landscapes, up to 100 unique tanks, HD engine, 3D heavy model, 3D constructor, 3D construction
  • ⚡ Various game modes - 7-minute PvP battles, PvE recreation, tournaments, clan wars, PvP duels 10x10; 15-20-minute battles; PvE and cooperative missions!
  • ⚡ RPG Elements - Get XP, adapt your tanks, upgrade 50+ Level Up. Arrange royal duels on magnificent tanks in the wonderful PvP shooter Military Tanks
  • ⚡ Crossplay - iOS Android Windows 10: Experience PvP PvE Clan Wars with Windows 10, iOS and Android, PvP-desercei;
  • ⚡ Experience the power of tanks - fast, exciting battles on real historical fields, Play with friends, create your own clans, participate in regular tournaments.
  • ⚡ Use 100+ unique tank models, 25+ classes, 5+ game modes, PvP duels, 15-20 minute PvP battles, PvE co-op.
  • choose your battle kit and win the battle! Epic real-time strategic battles against players from all over the world!
  • ⚡ Customize your tank with powerful weapons and upgrades for maximum firepower! Participate in tournaments for prizes and glory or join a clan to dominate the battlefield!
  • ⚡ Intense team battles involving up to 10 players per team on realistic battlefields! Enjoy cool visual and realistic sound effects!
  • ⚡ Tank game with friends online, this is the best thunder game, as well as a wonderful online PvP shooter. Battles, strategies, tactics of fighting only in war tanks!
  • ⚡ Simple controls that will appeal to both novice shooters and hardcore gamers, shoot, increase your rank, upgrade your tanks, get rewards and daily bonuses.
  • ⚡ Huge selection of weapons and upgrades for your tank. Choose the right weapon and go into battle! As well as a variety of camouflage and decals.
  • ⚡ Dynamic battles around the world and crazy non-stop PVP shooter. You can choose any game mode: team battles or single combat.
  • ⚡ Test your skills in army team tank battles on all maps of the world. Show who is the real commander on the battlefield!
  • ⚡ A great opportunity to play war tanks online pvp shooter on PC and phone. Fight, fight, defeat enemy battle tanks, become a hero on the battlefield!
  • ⚡ Cross-platform crazy online PVP battles 10x10 and not only, you can choose the battle mode for your style of play. Become the best combat commander on the world stage!
  • ⚡ Only in war tanks you will find a lot of customized modern military equipment for fighting, buy a tank in the store and upgrade it to your liking!

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