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A LEGENDARY QUEST IN THE WARHAMMER WORLD. Warhammer Quest is a turn based strategy, dungeon crawler, RPG game set in the Age of Sigmar by Games Workshop. Create a group of the finest warriors and fight your way through hundreds of stages. From magical towers to city sewers. Undead filled streets to far flung mountain ranges. Your adventure will take you all over the Mortal Realms in search for treasure and glory. Collect your champions from the Warhammer range. Stormcast, Darkoath, Aelves, and other heroes from all over the Mortal Realms will enter dungeons, driven by vengeance, honour, or even to gain the glory of the Gods themselves. Fighting cultists, skeletons, zombies, goblins and all manner of Chaos monsters in turn based strategy battles. With four massive campaigns to play through, and hundreds of daily challenges and quests to undertake. Download now to play this epic RPG dungeon crawler! ========== TURN BASED STRATEGY Strategic RPG skirmishes to test your inner tactician. Chess with swords! Simple to learn, with loads of depth to master. Move, attack, block, dodge, cast spells, and loads more. SUMMON EPIC WARHAMMER HEROES Over 35 characters from the Games Workshop Age of Sigmar range. Upgrade and kit them out, each with a unique skillset and gameplay. With new ones added all the time! 4 HUGE CAMPAIGNS Destroy the Gaunt Summoner and take his talisman. Uncover the mysteries beneath the streets of Hammerhal. Venture into a gigantic chaos beast. Campaigns are varied, challenging, and beautifully crafted. DAILY QUESTS Hand-crafted adventures for the most hardcore dungeon crawler, sent to your device every single day. Earn gold, xp, epic weapons and gear to further improve your adventurers. MULTIPLAYER Take your best 3 champions and battle other players online. Win enough matches to climb the monthly leaderboard and earn amazing prizes! ========== Based on the hit Age of Sigmar board game from Games Workshop. Battle the forces of Chaos in the Mortal Realms. Show that you are the king dungeon crawler and master of turn based strategy in our challenging game modes, The Gauntlet and The Crucible. Customize your guardian with exotic items and legendary weapons from the Age of Sigmar setting. Summon your fighters from the Warhammer Grand Alliances of Order, Chaos, Death and Destruction. Download Warhammer Quest, and take part in the epic turn based strategy fantasy battles. Slay your enemies and find the magical talisman! Have a taste of the Games Workshop, Age of Sigmar universe! PLEASE NOTE! Warhammer Quest in association with Games Workshop, is free to download and play, however, some game items can also be purchased for real money. If you don't want to use this feature, please disable in-app purchases in your device's settings. A network connection is also required. ========== Warhammer Quest © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2020. The Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower logo, GW, Games Workshop, Warhammer, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Stormcast Eternals, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. All rights reserved to their respective owners.

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  • Turn Based Strategic Battles. Set in the Age of Sigmar. Collect Powerful Champions. Two huge Campaigns. New Quests delivered Daily. Free gifts every day. Weekly Trials.

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2021 Perchang Limited. Warhammer Quest © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2021.

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