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Water Sort Puzzle is a fun and addictive puzzle game. Try to sort the colored liquid in the tubes until whole water with the same color stays in the same tube. A challenging yet relaxing game to exercise your brain. HOW TO PLAY: - Tap any test tube to pour water into another tube. - The rule is that you can only pour the water into another tube if both of them have the same color and the tube in which you want to pour has enough space. - Try not to get stuck - but don’t worry, you can always restart the level at any time. FEATURES: - One finger control. - Multiple unique levels. - Free and easy to play puzzle master. - Perfect pouring color puzzle. - Solve the logic puzzle by color matching skills. - No penalties & time limits, you can enjoy water sorting at your own pace. - Great game to pass time & it makes you think. - A family game, where both adults and children can have fun together. How far can you go? Let's play it and sharpen your mind with this awesome brain puzzle game.

Ekran rasmlari

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  • One finger control.
  • Multiple unique levels.
  • Free and easy to play puzzle master.
  • Perfect pouring color puzzle.
  • Solve the logic puzzle by color matching skills.

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Margala Games

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