
Oʻrnatishni administrator tasdiqlashi zarur. Operatsion tizim uchun minimal talablar: Windows 10 May 2019 Yangilanishi.Tizim talablarini ko‘ring



Weeping Willow is a kinetic visual novel in the genre of detective story, which takes place in the small medieval town of Weidendorf. This town was quarantined due to an outbreak of plague in poor neighborhoods. The story begins with the mysterious disappearance of the husband of the main character, Baron Von Wolf. A few days later he was found in the local parish of the Scarlet Rose Order, but the baroness claims that she does not recognize her husband. Other people confirms the identity of the impostor and no one believes her. Because of the plague quarantine, the young Baroness is a captive of her own home and begins to seriously fear for her life. After this, a series of dramatic events unfold that will irrevocably change her life. This short story will delight its players with a fascinating plot tied to intrigues, betrayals, and conspiracies. Features: - An intriguing and unpredictable plot - Unexpected ending - Female main character - Memorable animated characters and detailed backgrounds

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Sometimes You

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© Sometimes You

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TechnoCat Games

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Windows 10 qurilmasiga S rejimida oʻrnatish imkonsiz


Windows 10 kompyuterida oʻrnating hamda Microsoft hisobingizga ulanganingizda kirish imkoniga ega boʻling. Oʻrnatishni administrator tasdiqlashi zarur

Til qo‘llab-quvvatlanadi

English (United States)

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Kirish ushbu o‘yin haqida Microsoft’ga xabar berish uchun
Xabar berish this product for illegal content

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