

Whiteboard is a perfect tool for brainstorming, teaching or simple drawing that brings convenience to your work, life and studies. The basic idea behind this app is to convert your phone to a notepad and temporary notebook for dictation and arithmetic on it. Annotate and narrate any type of content clearly to learn something new. Put your mind forward to create drafts, board drawing, and doodling. Very useful for personal use, office or school use like math or circuit drawing. You can do all kinds of free hands activities(doodles) and make demonstrations. How To Use: - Write on-screen with one finger. - Enlarge or shrink background images with two fingers. - Use glitters, emojis, and canvas style for creative drawings. - There is an infinite number of brush colors you can choose from. - You can combine various colors and effects to make your amazing drawings of a specious whiteboard screen. Features: - Very clean and elegant design. - A special feature to undo your drawing step by step or redo. - Eraser to erase and correct a particular part of the drawing. - Clear your screen in one click. - Enable students to control the pace of their learning. - Share and save your drawing with friends over social media. - Import pictures from your photo library, built-in camera, or web image search. - Don't worry if you forgot to save your drawing when you start your application, it will load it again. - Gives innovative drawing in a way that you feel all your stress released away. Whiteboard allows you to do simple as well as complex drawings. It allows you to draw with a professional interface, Doodle Desk, and Kids Board as a fun drawing tool for both kids and adults. Draw shapes and use the whiteboard on your mobile to practice and learn alphabets, numbers and draw your thoughts on the slate.

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