

Zombie Shooter Runner the rules are simple - escape the zombie horde or have your brain eaten. Are you up for the challenge? Earn coin the only way you know how – by killing the undead Zombie!. Zombie Shooter Runner is a addictive game which simple game play that you must tap the screen to jump and shoot to kill Zombies and run over the obstacle to get coins and stars The finally to this game is the the best score with the distance coins and stars recollected.Have a full music and documentation support.

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  • -- Universal (phone & tablet)
  • -- Endless
  • -- Game Tap Play
  • -- Sound on/Off Option
  • -- Classic Jungle Run retro and jump adventure
  • -- Zombies play runner with one easy to control tap game
  • -- Special game for children, girls and boys, but also adults

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Ishlab chiqaruvchi

AmgDev Studio

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Zombie Shooter Runner litsenziya shartlari
Zombie Shooter Runner

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