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Want to teach your toddlers and preschoolers their basic alphabets in an educational yet fun-filled way? Zoo Alphabet is just the app you need! Features: ● All 26 letters along with really cute animated and interactive animals. ● Extremely pleasant sound effects, music and voice-overs to keep children entertained for hours. ● 3 different and fun puzzle games making learning so much fun. ● Free printable coloring book (pdf). ● For ages 3 and above. ● In-app purchase to Unlock the Full version. Zoo Alphabet for kids not only teaches kids the basic ABCs like many other apps. It is full of colors and pictures to teach them about the animals, birds and insects that begin with that alphabet or letter. For example: A for Armadillo B for Bee E for Elephant O for Owl The app also uses cute animal sounds, voice-overs, lively music and animations to make the process of learning even better and enjoyable for the little ones. The kids learn their letters, but together they learn to spell the names of animals, identify the correct letters, complete a puzzle to make the picture of an animal, use interactive flash cards and so much more. And if all that wasn't enough, you also get a printable coloring book (pdf) completely FREE when you download the app!

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Bu versiyada qanday yangiliklar bor

*** NOW ALL LETTERS ARE FREE FOR ALL *** Graphical improvements Super wide screen support


  • All 26 letters along with really cute animated and interactive animals
  • Extremely pleasant sound effects, music and voice-overs to keep children entertained for hours
  • 3 different and fun puzzle games making learning so much fun
  • FREE printable coloring book
  • For ages 3 and above

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Copyright © 2015, MOBIT LLC.

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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

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English (United States)

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