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Michael Iuzzolino

Research Intern (2019)

Michael Iuzzolino
Michael Iuzzolino

Archival Content
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Michael Iuzzolino has been working as a researcher with Microsoft’s Applied Sciences Group (ASG) while completing his Ph.D. in machine learning at the University of Colorado, Boulder, where he received his M.S. in computer science.   He earned a B.S. in neuroscience and cognitive science, molecular and cellular biology, and applied mathematics at the University of Arizona.

His research interests are primarily focused on developing novel machine-learning applications for computer-vision and sound-processing tasks, such as 3D object retrieval and pose estimation, audio-visual speech enhancement, and recurrent convolutional visual processing.  His previous research focused on sim2real transfer learning, attractor networks, and active learning.

Outside of work, Michael enjoys travel.  He has backpacked, couchsurfed, and WWOOFed across nearly 40 countries.
