Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction

Best practices for designing AI user experiences

What are the Guidelines?

The Guidelines are evidence-based best practices for designing your AI user experiences.

How do I use the Guidelines?

  1. Learn about the 18 Guidelines in the HAX Design Library. Explore examples and design patterns for implementing each Guideline.
  2. Use the Guidelines to plan your AI application. With your team, go through the HAX Workbook to prioritize which Guidelines to apply and how to implement them.

The Design Library helps you learn each Guideline. Explore examples and design patterns for implementing them throughout the user experience: upon initial interaction, during interaction, when the AI system is wrong, and over time.

Poster image of the 18 Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction.

Where do these Guidelines come from?

We developed the Guidelines in response to AI practitioners telling us, “AI is the most ambiguous space I’ve ever worked in, in my years of working in design … There aren’t any real rules and we don’t have a lot of tools.” 

The Guidelines are a synthesis of more than 20 years’ research, introduced in this award-winning 2019 CHI paper (summary here). Learn more about the process we used to create and validate them on the About page.