Am ddimCyfleoedd i chi brynu yn yr ap
+ Cyfleoedd i chi brynu yn yr ap
Am ddim+


Some villagers have started a new settlement and they've put you in charge. In Puzzle Craft you take control of an entire populace and must help them grow their settlement into a bustling city! To do this you will need to farm, mine, collect taxes, hire workers and more. Blending two forms of gameplay for the first time, Puzzle Craft is as unique as it is addicting.


Beth sy'n newydd yn y fersiwn hwn

Major Update. Now with Treasure Hunt.


  • Part town building sim, part match-three puzzler, Puzzle Craft blends two gameplay modes together for the first time ever.
  • Incredibly deep gameplay, there's always something to do!
  • Craft tools to aid with farming and mining.
  • Hire villagers to help out around the settlement.
  • Create special buildings to increase productivity!

Gwybodaeth ychwanegol

Cyhoeddwyd gan

SYZYGY Deutschland GmbH


Puzzle Craft is developed by Ars Thanea Games and published by SYZYGY Deutschland GmbH.

Datblygwyd gan

SYZYGY Deutschland GmbH

Dyddiad rhyddhau


Maint bras

53.12 MB

Oed priodol

Ar gyfer plant 3 oed a hŷn



Gall yr ap hwn



Estynnwch yr ap hwn tra byddwch wedi mewngofnodi i'ch cyfrif Microsoft a'i osod ar hyd at 10 dyfais Windows 10.

Yr iaith mae modd delio â hi

English (United States)
Polski (Polska)
Deutsch (Deutschland)

Gwybodaeth y Cyhoeddwr

Gwefan Puzzle Craft
Cymorth Puzzle Craft

Telerau ychwanegol

Telerau'r trafodyn

Adrodd am y cynnyrch hwn

Mewngofnodi i riportio’r gêm hon i Microsoft
Riportio y cynnyrch hwn am gynnwys anghyfreithlon

Ymwadiad Cyfreithiol

Mae'r gwerthwr hwn wedi ardystio y byddai’n cynnig cynnyrch neu wasanaethau sy'n cydymffurfio â'r holl gyfreithiau perthnasol yn unig