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Human-level chat experience

The last thing you want in a conversational commerce chat journey is witnessing a chatbot getting entangled in the complexities of real-time customer queries requiring a human agent to intervene. Such a scenario not only threatens the fluidity of the conversation but also raises concerns about customer satisfaction and loyalty.

LimeChat learnt that by integrating Azure OpenAI APIs, the potential of its chatbot can be expanded to ensure that every inquiry, no matter how intricate, is met with precision and efficiency.

Logo of LimeChat

“Bot” over

In the world of conversational commerce, where chatbots navigate through the intricacies of customer queries in real-time, the challenge lies in addressing the unexpected with finesse. The intricacies of complex questions can disrupt the seamless shopping experience, posing a dual threat of customer dissatisfaction and potential revenue loss.

LimeChat’s chatbot underwent a transformative upgrade with the integration of Azure OpenAI APIs. The bot’s capabilities were enhanced to address complex queries effectively, thereby mitigating concerns about disruptions and bolstering the overall customer experience. The synergistic implementation of semantic caching and optimized query handling played a pivotal role in elevating the bot’s responsiveness and accuracy, nudging undecided buyers towards making a purchase.

The tangible results were impressive – sales figures saw a remarkable two-fold increase, and automation efficiency surged by an impressive 50%. The net outcome: a clientele that is not just satisfied but exceptionally so, attesting to the power of cutting-edge technology in enhancing the customer experience.

Nikhil Gupta, Founder, LimeChat

Nikhil Gupta


At LimeChat, our goal is to create exceptional experiences. The key is the effective use of AI, ensuring that every moment our users spend chatting with the application is enjoyable. We understand that customer expectations are constantly rising, and we’re committed to meeting them with nothing but the best.

increase in revenue generation
improvement in automation efficiency

LimeChat was started with the aim of revolutionising conversational commerce  and the belief that chat is a much more personalised and interactive medium  for shopping.
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