IngyenesAlkalmazáson belüli vásárlást kínál
+ Alkalmazáson belüli vásárlást kínál


Jigsaw Puzzle HD is perfect for puzzle lovers of all ages! It has thousands of high quality puzzles in 100 categories, including nature, animals, astronomy, cities of the world, puzzles for kids, art, landscapes, travel and many more. FEATURES - More than 2500 high quality images (14 images for FREE included in the sampler) - FREE daily puzzle - Group pieces and move them all together - With optimizations for PCs with keyboard - Designed both for touch and non-touch screens - Easy to preview the final puzzle while playing - Tens of different backgrounds/themes (wood, cloth, different colors, etc) - Work on more than one puzzle at a time, you can pause the game and come back later - From 1 to 5 players can move pieces at the same time when playing on the same touch screen - Distribute pieces with one click - save time and gets you started solving the puzzle immediately - 19 levels of difficulty (up to 400 pieces) - perfect for all ages and all devices! (Premium version needed for the hardest levels) GREAT FOR KIDS - Kids can start solving puzzles in the 2x2 level (4 pieces) - Categories designed for kids, including Fairies and Princesses, Castles and Dragons, Animals, Rainbows and Space and Pirates - Help kids by solving the puzzle with them at the same time (simultaneously when using a touch screen) - Fun sounds and animations DESIGNED FOR JIGSAW PUZZLE LOVERS: - Show only edge pieces with a single click - Piece rotation option (Premium) - Puzzles up to 20x20 puzzles (400 pieces - Premium needed for more than 100 pieces) - Timer to beat your own record - High quality images with complex patterns


A verzió újdonságai

v1.2 more than 1000 new images, more travel and pets categories (and others!), delete games in process, image search, turn on/off animation when solving a puzzle, enable/disable piece inertia, option to purchase ALL puzzles and bug fixes v1.08 fixed saving puzzles, and fixes daily puzzle stuck the same v1.07 saving progress more frequently v1.06 bug fixes v1.05 larger puzzles (20x20), UI fixes v1.04 new categories (Butterflies, Dali, HDR, Insects, Picasso), fixed some purchase and UI bugs


  • Jigsaw Puzzle designed for quick and easy gameplay
  • More than 2500 high resolution puzzles
  • 14 FREE puzzles plus FREE puzzle of the day
  • Unlock new puzzle categories

További információ


Bernardo Zamora

Szerzői jogok

(C) Iron Apps, 2014-2017


Bernardo Zamora

Megjelenés dátuma

2015. 03. 09.

Hozzávetőleges méret

268,07 MB


3 éves kortól

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English (United States)

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