

The classic card matching game to test and improve your memory! Great for any age, just flip the cards to reveal a matching pair. Race against the clock to beat your old high scores. Check out hundreds of different card images as you explore the different themes. For an additional challenge, play with more cards at a time (boards from 16 up to 100 cards at once). How many cards can you memorize? As an extra bonus, see the accuracy of each game you play. An age old pastime and favorites of both grandparents and children. Give your brain a boost and expand your memory. A great warmup for the day to keep your mind sharp and keep the Alzheimer's away. Finally, a game you never feel guilty playing that never leaves you bored!


A verzió újdonságai

Minor Fixes


  • Improve your memory
  • Match cards
  • Hundreds of cards
  • High scores
  • Built in timer

További információ



Szerzői jogok

Copyright ©2012, IDC Projects



Megjelenés dátuma

2012. 11. 02.

Hozzávetőleges méret

13,79 MB


3 éves kortól

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English (United States)

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