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    Seri Video YouCan

    Seri video ini menampilkan :90 video "Cara" berdasarkan tips dan trik yang paling sering Anda minta menggunakan teknologi Microsoft Education dalam pendidikan.


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    Leveling the playing field with Microsoft Learning Tools Whitepaper

    Microsoft Learning Tools is useful for enhancing reading and writing instruction and learning


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    Technology Blueprint for Distance Learning

    A Guide for Implementing Remote Learning in Education Systems


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    Acara untuk siswa

    Jelajahi kamp dan lokakarya gratis yang membantu siswa mempelajari keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan kritis untuk abad ke-21.


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    Dukungan Intune

    Terhubung dengan dukungan untuk Microsoft Intune, termasuk dukungan teknis, pra-penjualan, tagihan, dan langganan global, yang tersedia secara online dan melalui telepon.


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    Bridging the digital divide to engage students in higher education

    Explore the impact of the current dynamics on higher education institutions, staff, faculty, and students.


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    Immersive Experiences in Education

    What are the new places and spaces for learning offered through mixed reality?


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    How Minecraft Supports Social and Emotional Learning in K-12 Education

    How are teachers supporting students' SEL growth by incorporating gaming into their lessons via Micecraft Education Edition?


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    Predictive Analytics eBook

    Learn about tools that help streamline low-impact tasks so teachers can dedicate more attention to highimpact, student-focused work.


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    Physical Safety & Security eBook

    How can technology improve campus safety and security?


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    Inclusively Designed Digital Notetaking

    Inclusive design allows all people—regardless of native language, ability, or needs—to participate fully in the world. In a K-12 classroom, inclusive design provides each student the tools and resources they need to engage with content, collaborate with their peers, process new ideas and skills, and express their knowledge. Students and teachers alike need simple-to-use tools that empower classroom learning. Available across platforms and devices, Microsoft OneNote Live Captions allows students to automatically generate captions of lessons into OneNote notebooks in real time.

    Resources & Guides

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    Intelligent Environments Summary

    Quick start guide to rethink how you configure, use and manage learning spaces


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