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Terms defined in this Glossary apply unless otherwise defined in product specific terms. 


Academic Program means Academic Purchasing Account on MPSA, Academic Select License, Select Plus for Academic, Campus and School Agreement, or Open Value Subscription – Education Solutions.

Add-on means a license that is purchased in addition to (and associated with) a previously acquired Qualifying License (or set of Qualifying Licenses). An Add-on license is assigned to a single Qualified User (as defined in Customer’s Enrollment) or to the same Server or device as the Qualifying License(s). For any Add-on User SL not appearing individually, the license terms applicable to a full User SL for the same service apply.

Additive CAL means a CAL that must be used on conjunction with a base CAL.

Additive External Connector License means an External Connector License that must be used in conjunction with a base External Connector License.

Allocated Annual prepayment means, if Customer elects annual invoicing, the portion of the Azure prepayment allocated annually through the Enrollment term.

Authorized Outsourcer means any third party service provider that is not a Listed Provider and is not using Listed Provider as a Data Center Provider as part of the outsourcing service.

Azure compute savings plan means a commitment to spend a specified monetary amount each hour on eligible Microsoft Azure Services for a specified term.

Azure Facial Recognition Services means facial recognition features or functionality included in Azure Services, such as Face; or the facial recognition functionality in Azure Video Analyzer for Media.

Azure Government Services means one or more of the services or features Microsoft makes available to Customer as Government Community Cloud Services in the “US Gov” regions identified at

Azure Prepayment means the total monetary amount a customer commits to pay during the term of the subscription for its use of eligible Microsoft Azure Services.

Azure Private MEC Solution means a combined software and hardware private multi-access edge compute offering which includes Azure Network Function Manager.

Azure reservations means an advanced purchase of eligible Microsoft Azure Services for a specified term and region (e.g. Reserved VM Instances, reserved capacity, etc.).

Bing Search Services means the Bing Custom Search, Bing Local Business Search, Entity Search, Image Search, News Search, Video Search, Visual Search, Web Search, Spell Check, and Autosuggest APIs, and any other APIs identified at

Bing Search Services Data means Customer Data that are provided to Microsoft by, or on behalf of, Customer through use of the Bing Search Services.

CAL means client access license, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. A user CAL allows access to corresponding version of the server software or earlier versions of the server software from any device by one user. A device CAL allows access to corresponding versions of the server software or earlier versions of the server software from one device by any user. CALs allow access to server software running on Customer’s Licensed Servers only.

CAL Equivalent License means a User SL or External Connector License identified in a Product’s “Server Software Access” table, or a CAL suite or SL, as identified in CAL and ML Equivalency Licenses, as applicable. A CAL suite is a CAL Equivalent License only if Customer purchased the License after the Server Product’s Date Available or if Customer had active SA coverage as of the Date Available.

Client OSE means an OSE running a client operating system.

Clustered HPC Application means a high performance computing applications that solves, in parallel, complex computational problems, or a set of closely related computational problems. Clustered HPC Applications divide a computationally complex problem into a set of jobs and tasks which are coordinated by a job scheduler, such as provided by Microsoft HPC Pack, or similar HPC middleware, which distributes these in parallel across one or more computers operating within an HPC cluster.

Cluster Node means a device that is dedicated to running Clustered HPC Applications or providing job scheduling services for Clustered HPC Applications.

Consumption Rates means the prices for Microsoft Azure Services or, for certain Microsoft Azure Service Plans, any usage in excess of a specified quantity. Consumption Rates may also be referred to as “Overage Rates” or “Overage” in other Microsoft or Microsoft Azure documents.

Copilot means a Microsoft Generative AI Service that is identified as a ‘Copilot.’

Core Factor means a numerical value associated with a specific Physical Processor for purposes of determining the number of Licenses required to license all of the Physical Cores on a Server.

Core Online Services means those Online Services listed as Core Online Services in the Privacy & Security Terms section.

Covered Product means any Azure OpenAI Service or Copilot (excluding free Previews) that is available for a fee through Microsoft volume licensing or used with a paid subscription to an Online Service.

Customer Data means all data, including all text, sound, video, or image files, and software, that are provided to Microsoft by, or on behalf of, Customer through use of the Online Service. Customer Data does not include Professional Services Data.

Customer Health Bot Application means an application or any set of applications that adds primary and significant functionality to the Azure Health Bot Service and that is not primarily a substitute for the Azure Health Bot Service.

Customer Solution means any application that the Customer makes available to its end users consisting of Customer’s applications and the Microsoft Azure Services, whereby Customer’s application adds primary and significant functionality and is not primarily a substitute to the Microsoft Azure Services. Customer applications that only provide billing, license management, and/or infrastructure services (e.g., virtual machines, containers, storage, or management for such infrastructure services) do not constitute “primary and significant functionality.”

Customize when used in connection with large language or multi-modal models, means to expose a model to Customer Data and instruct the model to use that Customer Data so that the model produces tailored Output Content that is more relevant to a specific customer.  When used in connection with Copilots, this is sometimes called “grounding” and the Customer Data used to Customize a model may include information referred to as “grounding data.”

Cycle Harvesting Node means a device that is not dedicated to running Clustered HPC Applications or job scheduling services for Clustered HPC Applications.

Data Center Provider means an entity that provides infrastructure or software services, directly or indirectly, to another service provider. Microsoft may also serve as a Data Center Provider through Microsoft Azure.

Data Protection Addendum (DPA) means the Microsoft Products and Services Data Protection Addendum published at

Education Qualified User means an employee or contractor (except Students) who accesses or uses an Education Platform Product for the benefit of the Institution.

Embedded Unified Solution means a business application developed by Customer’s Reseller that the Reseller licenses to Customer that adds significant and primary functionality to an Embedded SL Product.

External Connector License means a License assigned to a Server that permits access to the corresponding version of the server software or earlier versions of the server software by External Users.

External Users means users that are not (a) employees of Customer or its Affiliates, (b) contractors or agents that typically work for Customer or its Affiliates for more than 30 hours on average per week, or (c) contractors or agents that typically work onsite for Customer or its Affiliates on each working day.

Fail-over OSE means an OSE (or an Azure service) in which passive Instances of the server software are running in anticipation of a fail-over event.

First-Party Consumption Services are Microsoft Online Services that are available as Azure meters. These Microsoft services include, but are not limited to, certain Power Platform, Dynamics 365, and GitHub meters.

GitHub Core Online Services means those Online Services listed as GitHub Core Online Services in the GitHub Offerings section.

Government Community Cloud (U.S. only) means Online Services that are available exclusively to the Community. Use Rights for government community cloud services are equivalent to those of their standard multitenant equivalents unless otherwise noted. Qualifying Online Services are offered as government community cloud services and non-government community cloud services. Customers may be provisioned as one or the other but not a mix of both. Online Services designated as government community cloud may not be deployed in the same domain with specific non-government community cloud services.

Graduate means a Student who has (1) completed a grade or a level in a school or an educational institution in the Organization that qualifies the Student for enrollment into college or university or (2) earned a diploma or degree from a college or university in the Organization.

Hardware Thread means either a Physical Core or a hyper-thread in a Physical Processor.

High Performance Computing (HPC) Workload means a workload where the server software is used to run a Cluster Node and is used in conjunction with other software as necessary to permit security, storage, performance enhancement and systems management on a Cluster Node for the purpose of supporting the Clustered HPC Applications.

Input means all Customer Data that Customer provides, designates, selects, or inputs for use by a generative artificial intelligence technology to generate or Customize an output.

Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance.

IoT Device means a computing device that (i) is designed or configured for use primarily with an industry- or task-specific software program that provides the primary functionality of the computing device (“IoT Program”), (ii) uses equal to or less than 16 physical cores, and (iii) is not designed to be marketed or primarily used as a multi-functional Server, or a commercially viable substitute for a multi-functional Server.

Knowledge Worker means  any employee (including a Student employee), contractor, or volunteer of or for the Institution who uses a Product or Qualified Device for the benefit of the institution or within the user’s relationship with the Institution.  This definition does not include users of any listed software product or online service as excluded from the definition of Knowledge Worker.

License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product.

Licensed Device means a single physical hardware system to which a License is assigned. Devices that are under the management or control of an entity other than Customer or one of its Affiliates are subject to the Outsourcing Software Management clause. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate device.

Licensed Server means a single Server to which a License is assigned. Servers that are under the management or control of an entity other than Customer or one of its Affiliates are subject to the Outsourcing Software Management clause. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server.

Licensed User means the single person to whom a License is assigned.

License Mobility through Software Assurance Partner means an entity identified at and authorized by Microsoft to host customers’ software on shared servers.

Licensing Site means or a successor site.

Listed Providers include entities identified by Microsoft at Microsoft may identify additional Listed Providers at from time to time; however, if Customer is using an outsourcer at the time its Authorized Outsourcer status is terminated, then Customer may temporarily continue to use the same entity in its former Authorized Outsourcer capacity for one year from the date of that change in status.

Management License (ML) means a License that permits management of one or more OSEs by the corresponding version of the server software or any earlier version of the server software. There are two categories of Management Licenses: Server Management License and Client Management License. There are three types of Client Management Licenses: User, OSE and device. A User Management License permits management of any OSE accessed by one user; an OSE Management License permits management of one OSE accessed by any user; a device Management License (Core CAL or Enterprise CAL Suite) permits management of any OSE on one device.

Management License Equivalent License means a User SL identified in a Product’s “Management License” table, or a CAL suite or SL, as identified in CAL and ML Equivalency Licenses, as applicable. A CAL suite is a Management License Equivalent License only if Customer purchased the license after the Server Products’ Date Available or if Customer had active SA coverage as the Date Available.

Managing an OSE means to solicit or receive data about, configure, or give instructions to the hardware or software that is directly or indirectly associated with the OSE. It does not include discovering the presence of a device or OSE.

Metaprompts means instructions coded into a Microsoft Generative AI Service that provide directions to the service for generating Output Content.

Microsoft Azure Services means the Microsoft services and features identified at, except those identified in the Product Terms as Microsoft Azure User Plans, or Microsoft Azure Support Plans. “Microsoft Azure Services” includes any open source components incorporated by Microsoft in those services and features.

Microsoft Azure Services Plan means a subscription to one of the individual Microsoft Azure Services identified in the Product Terms as Microsoft Azure User Plans, or Microsoft Azure Support Plans.

Microsoft Generative AI Service means an Online Service or feature thereof that uses generative artificial intelligence technologies to generate outputs.

Microsoft Translator means Translator Text API and/or Translator Speech API offered by Microsoft as a cloud based machine translation service.

Network Server means a physical hardware server that provides resource assistant to computers in a network. Any Server that is under the management or control of an entity other than Customer or one of its Affiliates is subject to the Outsourcing Software Management clause in the Universal License Terms.

Non-Microsoft Product means any third-party-branded software, data, service, website or product, unless incorporated by Microsoft in an Online Service.

Online Service means a Microsoft-hosted service to which Customer subscribes under a Microsoft volume licensing agreement, including any service identified in the Online Services section of the Product Terms. It does not include software and services provided under separate license terms (such as via gallery, marketplace, console, or dialog). 

Operating System Environment (OSE) means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance which enables separate machine identity (primary computer name or similar unique identifier) or separate administrative rights, and instances of applications, if any, configured to run on the operating system Instance or parts identified above. A physical hardware system can have one Physical OSE and/or one or more Virtual OSEs.

Output Content means any data, text, sound, video, image, code, or other content generated by a Microsoft Generative AI Service in response to Input.

Personal Data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

Physical Core means a core in a Physical Processor.

Physical OSE means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE.

Physical Processor means a processor in a physical hardware system.

Previews means a preview, beta or pre-release feature, service, software (including supplemental software), or data center location offered by Microsoft for evaluation.

Primary User means the user who uses a Licensed Device more than 50% of the time in any 90 day period.

Primary Workload means either an OSE in which Instances of the server software are running under the “Use Rights” section of a product entry or an Azure service.

Production Environment means any Physical or Virtual OSE running a production workload or accessing production data, or Physical OSE hosting one or more Virtual OSEs running production workloads or accessing production data.

Professional Services means Microsoft technical support services and Microsoft consulting services (e.g., for data migration) provided to Customer. “Professional Services” does not include Products.

Professional Services Data means all data, including all text, sound, video, image files or software, that are provided to Microsoft, by or on behalf of a Customer (or that Customer authorizes Microsoft to obtain from a Product) or otherwise obtained or processed by or on behalf of Microsoft through an engagement with Microsoft to obtain Professional Services.

Qualifying Third Party Device means a device that is not controlled, directly or indirectly, by Customer or its Affiliates (e.g., a third party’s public kiosk).

Running Instance means an Instance of software that is loaded into memory and for which one or more instructions have been executed. (Customer “Runs an Instance” of software by loading it into memory and executing one or more of its instructions.) Once running, an Instance is considered to be running (whether or not its instructions continue to execute) until it is removed from memory.

Services Deliverables means any computer code or materials (including without limitation proofs of concept, documentation and design recommendations, sample code, software libraries, algorithms and machine learning models) other than Products or Fixes that Microsoft leaves with Customer at the conclusion of Microsoft’s performance of Professional Services.

SL means subscription License that allows access to software or a hosted service for a defined period of time.

Server means a physical hardware system capable of running server software.

Server Farm means a single data center or two data centers each physically located either in time zones not more than four hours apart, or within the EU or EFTA. A data center can be moved from one Server Farm to another, but not on a short-term basis. (EU is European Union; EFTA is European Free Trade Association).

Standard means any technology specification created by an organization, consortium, trade association, special interest group, or similar entity whose activities include producing or promoting technology specifications meant for widespread adoption.  Standards include, but are not limited to: any version of MPEG-2, MPEG-4 Visual/MPEG-4 Part 2, VC-1, MPEG-4 Part 10/H.264, MPEG-H Part 2/H.265, MPEG-I Part 3/H.266, AAC, HDCP, HDMI, DisplayPort, DivX, JPEG, MJPEG, AC-3/Dolby Digital, AC-4/Dolby Digital Plus, DTS, Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD, VP8, VP9, AV1, AMR-NB, AMR-WB, EVS, IEEE 802.11[x] (aka WiFi), IEEE 802.16 (aka Wi-MAX), UMTS, EDGE, GPRS, GSM, CDMA, TD-SCDMA, WCDMA, HSxPA, LTE, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, Bluetooth (aka IEEE 802.15.1) and their predecessors and successors.

Step-up means a license purchased in addition to (and associated with) a previously acquired base license. For any Step-up User SL not appearing individually in the Product Terms, the license terms applicable to the equivalent full User SL apply.

Student means any individual enrolled in any educational institution that is part of Institution’s Organization whether on a full-time or part-time basis.

Student Qualified Device means a Qualified Device owned, leased, or controlled by a Student or owned, leased, or controlled by the Organization and assigned for individual, dedicated use by a Student.

Subprocessor means other processors used by Microsoft to process data.

Telecommunication Service Providers are entities that provide communications services, telephony services, voice or data transmission services, and wireless prepaid services.

Unique Committer is a Licensed User of GitHub Enterprise/Azure DevOps or an offering that includes GitHub Enterprise/Azure DevOps who has made a commit in the last 90 days to any repository with any GitHub Advanced Security functionality activated.

Virtual Core means the unit of processing power in a virtual hardware system. A Virtual Core is the virtual representation of one or more hardware threads.

Virtual OSE means an OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system.

Web Workload (also referred to as “Internet Web Solutions”) are publicly available web pages, websites, web applications, web services, and/or POP3 mail serving. For clarity, access to content, information, and applications served by the software within an Internet Web Solution is not limited to Customer’s or its affiliates’ employees.  Software in Internet Web Solutions is used to run:

  • web server software (for example, Microsoft Internet Information Services), and management or security agents (for example, the System Center Operations Manager agent);
  • database engine software (for example, Microsoft SQL Server) solely to support Internet Web Solutions; or
  • the Domain Name System (DNS) service to provide resolution of Internet names to IP addresses as long as that is not the sole function of that instance of the software.

Windows Server Container with Hyper-V isolation (formerly known as, Hyper-V Container) is a container technology in Windows Server which utilizes a virtual operating system environment to host one or more Windows Server Container(s). Each Hyper-V isolation instance used to host one or more Windows Server Container is considered one Virtual OSE.

Windows Server Container without Hyper-V isolation (formerly known as, Windows Server Container) is a feature of Windows Server software.

Windows Software Components means components of Windows software included in a Product. Microsoft .NET Framework, Microsoft Data Access Components, PowerShell software and certain .dlls related to Microsoft Build, Windows Identity Foundation, Windows Library for JAVAScript, Debghelp.dll, and Web Deploy technologies are all Windows Software Components.


Attributes are identified in the tables in each Product Entry, and indicate rights or conditions applicable to the Products.

Additional Software: Software identified in the Use Rights for Server Products that Customer is permitted to use on any device in conjunction with its use of server software.

Add-ons and From SA: Indicates the Product is available as an Add-on, and/or From SA.  For details, refer to the Add-ons and From SA sections for each respective product and online service.

Client Access Requirement: Indicates whether or not a Server Product requires CALs for access by users and devices.

Disaster Recovery: Rights available to SA customers to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Servers – Disaster Recovery Rights section of Software Assurance Benefits.

Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms.

Extended Term Eligible:  Online services that are eligible for an extended term as described in the Enterprise and Enterprise Subscription licensing agreement.

External User Access Requirement:  Indicates specific license requirements or options for access by External Users.

Fail-Over Rights:  An SA benefit that allows Customer to run passive fail-over Instances as described in the Product entry.

Included Technologies:  Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details.

License Mobility: Rights available to SA customers either to reassign licenses outside the standard timelines or to use Products on multitenant servers outside their own datacenters; refer to License Mobility section of Software Assurance Benefits.

License Terms:  Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product.

Migration Rights:  Customer may be able to upgrade from prior versions of the software or other Products under special terms published in the Product Entry or Product List as indicated. Customer may also have non-standard downgrade rights to use prior versions of the same or other Products in place of the licensed version.

Notices:  Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section for details.

Online Subscription Program (OSP):  The Product is available in an Online Subscription program.

Prerequisite:  Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product.

Prerequisite (SA):Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase SA coverage for the Product.

Prior Version:  Earlier versions of Product and their Date Available.

Product Pool:  Indicates the grouping of Products that the Product belongs to for the purposes of determining pricing discounts. There are three Product pool categories; Application, Server and System.

Product-Specific License Terms, or Product-Specific Terms:  Indicates the Product-specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product in the Product Terms, including those in the product specific sections of the Product Terms.

Promotions:  Indicates that limited time offers apply to the Product as described in Promotions.

Qualified User Exemption:  Exemption applicable to users who access Products solely under one of these licenses. These users are exempt from being counted as a Qualified User under Customer’s volume licensing agreement, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in that agreement.

Reduction Eligible:  An Online Service for which a customer that has an Enterprise Enrollment or Enrollment for Education Solutions can report a reduction in licenses or Allocated Annual prepayment. Enterprise Subscription Enrollment customers may report reductions in accordance with the terms of that Enrollment.

Reduction Eligible (SCE):  Products for which a Server & Cloud Enrollment customer can report a reduction in subscription licenses or future Allocated Annual prepayment after 12 continuous months.

Roaming Rights:  An SA benefit that permits the Primary User of a Licensed Device certain access and use rights. The Primary User may use a Qualifying Third Party Device to (i) remotely access and use permitted Instances or copies of the software running on Servers (subject to the Outsourcing Software Management clause in the Universal License Terms for all Software), or (ii) locally use a permitted Instance or copy in a Virtual OSE. No other user may use the software under the same License at the same time. Despite anything to the contrary in Customer's volume licensing agreement, Qualified Desktops and Devices do not include any Qualifying Third Party Devices from which Customer's users access and use the software and any (other) enterprise product solely under Roaming Rights.

SA Benefits Pool:  Indicates the category of the Product for purposes of determining SA Benefits broadly applicable to that Product Pool, as listed in Software Assurance Benefits.

SA Equivalent Rights:  Software SLs acquired under a Server and Cloud Enrollment or Microsoft Products and Services Agreement provide the same SA rights and benefits during the term of the Subscription as Licenses with SA coverage.

Self Hosting:  An SA benefit that permits use of Products for conditional hosting purposes; refer to the Servers – Self Hosted Applications section of Software Assurance Benefits.

Student Use Benefit: The option for Institutions that license a qualifying Product for their Organization-wide count to license a Product for use by their Students at a ratio of 1:15 or 1:40 Students per Education Qualified User or Knowledge Worker (or staff/faculty user) at no additional cost. The qualifying Products and the Products eligible for the Student use, and the applicable ratios are identified in Student Use Benefits and Academic Programs. Such Student Licenses may not be counted toward minimum order requirements. The License Terms for the Products licensed under the Student Use Benefit govern Students’ use. Rights to use Products under the Student Use Benefit expire when Student is no longer affiliated with the Institution.

Suite:  A Product that is comprised of components that are also licensed separately. A suite is licensed under a single License that is assigned to a single user or device, and allows use of all of its components on the single device or by a single user to which it is assigned. The components of the Suite may not be separated and used on separate devices or by separate users.

True-Up Eligible:  An Online Service subscription License that an Enterprise or Enterprise Subscription customer can order via the true-up or annual order process rather than monthly.

UTD Discount:  An Up to Date Discount is a discount available to Open Value Subscription customers ordering licenses for Product during the first year of their agreement if they have a License for the corresponding qualifying Product.

Cell Values

Cell Values are used in the Program Availability table in each of each Product Entry to identify how the Product is offered in each program. The volume licensing program agreements define these offering types.

A = Additional Product:  The Product is offered as an Additional Product.

AF = Additional Product Faculty:  The Product is offered as an Additional Product for the School program and must be licensed on an Organization-wide basis covering all Faculty and Staff.

AO = Additional Product Organization Wide:  The Product is offered as an Additional Product and must be ordered organization-wide.

AP = Additional Product in EES 2017:  The Product is offered as an Additional Product for the Enrollment for Education Solutions (with a publication date on or after October 2017).

AS = Additional Product School:  The Product is offered as an Additional Product for the School program only. 

E = Enterprise Product:  The Product is offered as an Enterprise Product, but not a desktop.

ED = Education Desktop:  The Product is offered as an education desktop platform product with either Enterprise CAL Suite or Core CAL Suite under Enrollment for Education Solutions (with a publication date prior to October 2017) and Open Value Subscription – Education Solutions and must be licensed on an Organization-wide basis covering all Faculty and Staff.  

EO = Enterprise Online Service:  The Online Service is offered as an enterprise Online Service or platform Online Service and satisfies the Enterprise Product requirements. EO for Core CAL and Enterprise CAL Suite require the corresponding CAL Suite Bridge.

EP = Education Platform Product:  The Product is offered as an Education Platform Product under the Enrollment for Education Solutions (with a publication date on or after October 2017) and must be licensed on an Organization-wide basis covering all Education Qualified Users or Knowledge Workers or for the full Student Count.

OM = Open Minimum:  Each License counts solely as 5 Licenses for purposes of the initial order minimum in Open License and Open Value.

OW = Organization-wide:  Available under the Organization-wide option.

P = Non-Organization Wide in Open Value:  The Product is offered on a non-Organization Wide basis in Open Value.

S = Student Offering School Only:  The Product is offered as a Student Offering under School Program only and must be ordered for the full Student Count.

SD = School Desktop Platform Product:  The Product is offered as a school desktop platform product with either Enterprise CAL Suite or Core CAL Suite under School Program. An SD is counted as three units.

ST = Student Offering:  The Product is offered as a Student Offering and must be ordered for the full Student Count.

SP = Server and Tools Product:  The Product is a server and tools product offered under the Server and Cloud Enrollment.

UC = United States Government Community Cloud Service: The Online Service is offered as a Government Community Cloud (U.S. only) Service. For UC availability for Online Service suites, refer to the Program Availability table for each of the suite’s components.

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