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Our Alliances

Collaboration is part of our DNA at Microsoft. Our esteemed alliances with leading industry partners help drive our mission to catalyze positive change. Our global collaborators are steadfast in their commitment to driving positive change and building impactful initiatives that pave the way for a brighter future for all. Together, we're dedicated to making a difference.

Transform, Unilever, EY Building a better working world, UK AID from the british people logos.

TRANSFORM (Unilever, UK’s FCDO & EY)​

TRANSFORM and Microsoft have teamed up to support visionary impact enterprises. TRANSFORM is an impact accelerator led by Unilever, the UK's Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), and EY. Combining grant funding, business insight and research, TRANSFORM is advancing the development of innovative business models to help solve global challenges. Our joint aim is to integrate TRANSFORM and Microsoft's Entrepreneurship for Positive Impact programs, providing eligible entrepreneurs with business support and technology initiatives.

Norrsken Logo


We're excited to collaborate with Norrsken for the 2024 NorrskenAccelerator and Impact/100! This collaboration is designed to enable a new generation of impact unicorns by empowering them with technology and AI. Together, we're funding the most impactful leaders of tomorrow.

EY Building a better working world logo


EY and Microsoft seek to build an inclusive digital economy by providing training and skills development opportunities - with the aim to support millions of people to enter or re-enter the workforce or build new businesses by 2025. Together, EY and Microsoft have collaborated on a multitude of programs across the world to empower job seekers with the skills needed for the digital future, furthering the EY Ripples ambition to impact 1 billion lives by 2030. Examples include supporting Microsoft’s Entrepreneurship for Positive Impact entrepreneurs focusing on building a more inclusive, equitable, sustainable, and trusted future for everyone and the Green Skills Passport, which supports youth to develop employability, entrepreneurship and sustainability skills needed to find green jobs and pursue opportunities in the growing green economy.

Schwab foundation for - Social Entrepreneurship Logo

Schwab Foundation - World Economic Forum ​ ​

In partnership with the World Economic Forum, the Schwab Foundation is the foremost global community of pioneering social innovators driving systemic change. Our alliance aims to promote responsible AI usage in social innovation. Our joint efforts aim to mobilize stakeholders, provide AI training and resources, and ensure fair access to technology, ultimately driving positive social impact globally.

Ashoka, Everyone a Changemaker logo


Ashoka, the world's largest network of social entrepreneurs, has teamed up with Microsoft through their corporate advisory arm "Changemaker Companies" to catalyze global impact. Through this collaboration, Ashoka provides coaching sessions for executive leaders and workshops for Positive Impact Entrepreneurs, emphasizing systemic change and collaboration, and fostering an impact culture within business and beyond.

Solar Impulse Foundation logo

Solar Impulse​ Foundation​

The Solar Impulse Foundation and Microsoft's alliance offers entrepreneurs certified by Solar Impulse access to Microsoft's resources: workshops, pitch opportunities, and connections with investors. Together, we're driving impactful change and accelerating the adoption of clean, economically-viable solutions worldwide.