
Одобрење администратора је обавезно за инсталацију. Минимални оперативни систем који је потребан: Исправка за Windows 10 из маја 2019.Погледајте системске захтјеве



Get ready to dive into an electrifying cerebral challenge with the incredible game Sokolab! Discover a world full of puzzles and excitement, where your goal is to guide a skilled robot through 50 engaging levels, each more challenging than the last. Sokolab is a sokoban-style puzzle game that will test your strategic skills and problem-solving abilities. You'll need to carefully consider each move, plan your strategy, and find the perfect path to push the boxes to their specific positions on the map. As you progress through the levels, be prepared to encounter innovative mechanics that will surprise and further challenge your brilliant mind. Experience explosive potions that can open new paths, use elevators to access unreachable areas, master block teleportation, and explore the secrets behind special blocks! Are you ready to overcome increasingly complex obstacles and prove your mental prowess? Sokolab will push your skills to the limit! Enhance your logical reasoning and overcome the challenges of this electrifying game. Find the perfect solution, unlock new exciting levels, and showcase your mastery in Sokolab to the world. Awaken the strategist within you and become the ultimate champion of this challenging puzzle game!

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Afil Games

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Afil Games

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За особе од 3 године и старије


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Не може се инсталирати на уређају с оперативним системом Windows 10 у S режиму


Инсталирајте на Windows 10 рачунару и приступајте када сте повезани на Microsoft рачун. Одобрење администратора је обавезно за инсталацију

Подржани језик

English (United States)

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Пријавите се да бисте пријавили ову игру корпорацији Microsoft
Пријави овај производ ради недозвољеног садржаја

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