


16 屆 Coding Angels 活動紀錄

it is our pleasure to share the summary of our 2019 Coding Angels workshop hosted by CELA Internship Program during Dec. 7-8, 2019.

It is worth noting that Microsoft Taiwan has been holding the Female Tech Workshop annually for six years. With the support of cross team’s collaboration, more than 10 employees and 35 interns dedicated on this 2-day event to fully reflect the Microsoft core D&I culture and technology. We are happy to engage 890 female students enrolled, and almost 300 female students participated. We tailored the workshop for female students to empower them in Tech of Business Analysis and AI. With special thanks to C+AI, MS Maps & Geospatial, MTC, M&O and OCP&SMC for their assistance, we also provided the experience of using Microsoft Power BI, Azure Custom Vision Service and operating Vision AI Devkit. All attendees recognized this workshop by inspiring of Microsoft female leaders and acknowledged this activity did let them discover their potential in the tech industry.

Event Highlight

Government Elite Opening by Su-Chen Yu,
Taipei City Employment Services Office, Director

Su-Chen Yu, the Taipei City Employment Services Office Director lectured an opening for 2019 Coding Angels - Vision AI DevKit Workshop. Director Yu not only emphasized the importance of internship experiences, but also encouraged the students by stating her own point of view: successful life are defined by yourselves.

Microsoft Technology and Career Sharing by Anne Yang,
C+AI Principal Program Manager Lead

“ Cloud and AI are like the 4th industrial revolution, with the trend of integrating both changing our lives forever in the future“ Anne Yang noted. She also shared Microsoft’s six major facts in AI technology and their results in implication.

At the end of her speech, Anne Yang encouraged students not to live according to the values of others, but to pursuit where your passion lies, and to continue on that path with perserverance. All the attendee were greatly inspired.

Female Career Sharing by Flora Chen,
Microsoft 365 business group lead

Flora Chen ecouraged students to think about : what is my passion? How can I empower others? As for the students that were contemplating joining the tech industry, but were afraid they weren’t skilled enough to do so, Flora shared her own view.

Flora believes the people that the 21st century needs must possess these four soft skills: communication, collaboration, creativity and crirical thinking. Through this viewpoint, she encouraged the students in front of her to chase their“ Tech dreams“.

AI + Business Analysis by Sherry Liao,
Azure Data and AI senior PMM

Sherry cut into the topic with her own “data experience“, sharing with the students how Microsoft combines AI with data analysis tools to help corporations undergo digital transformation, and revealed the reality behind „data journey“.

At the end of her speech, Sherry also encouraged students to cultivate “growth mindset“ and noted: keep learning new things is the highest principle to not being replaced.

Dec. 07 Power Platform Workshop

“Data” plays a crucial role in every organization nowadays,. There is a significant increase in the number of people who tend to join the data-related industry. Therefore, we aim to cultivate students’ interest in the field of data and inspire them to learn with enthusiasm!

With the explanation by Jennifer Chang and Vivien Lin, interns of OCP & SMC, of how to build automatic process via using Power Platforms and increased the overall working efficiency, Power Platform Workshop started with a strong beginning. Afterwards, Microsoft 365 intern Jessica Lai taught the students how to use Power BI to make a visualized and interactive report with the topic of “How to find the most suitable Youtuber for your boss to promote a new product”. In the final session, lots of students shared their feedbacks through presenting their Power BI reports and brought this day 1 workshop to a wonderful ending.

Dec. 08 Vision AI DevKit Workshop

As technology advances, there is no doubt that everyone wants to be equipped with AI skills. To this end, Vision AI DevKit Workshop was designed to provide students with AI knowledge and abilities. The workshop began with training a model with Azure Custom Vision and operating Vision AI DevKit by Castle Cheng and Tim Lo, interns of MTC and OCP & SMC respectively. We are so lucky to have C+AI team’s support to provide the Vision AI Devkit on the spot and guidance how to host this kind of workshop well. During the final session, students had a pleasant time to experience the snake game by Han-Yi, intern of Microsoft Maps and Geospatial. The game is combined with traditional snake game and augmented reality supported by Microsoft Azure Custom Vision.

It is worth mentioning that during the workshop sessions, we not only gave the talk to participants, but also went live on Microsoft Taiwan Internship Program Facebook page, for those who cannot make it in person. The purposes of this workshop are to make participants be interested in IoT, Cloud Computing and Microsoft Azure services, and to provide a networking opportunity for students in IT industry.

Last but not least, special thanks to Anne Yang and her team member Tony Lin and Devin Wong, who supported Vision AI DevKit hands on lab session.

Attendee Feedback

  • Anne Yang said "Don't live in others' care values" impressed me a lot!
  • We must move out the comfort zone with no fear and never limit outselves!
  • I really acquired a great sense of accomplishment when the model performed well!
  • I have never thought that I could train a Custom Vision model in a snap!

Statistics Summary

  • Preparation Time : 10/1~12/6
  • Team Members: 35
  • Registration Duration: 11/5~11/27
  • Number of Registrants: 890

Workshop Reviews: 4.3/5

Number of Participants / Number of Admissions

  • Power Platform Workshop: 142/151
  • Vision AI DevKit Workshop: 136/145

Check-in Rate: 94%

Special thanks to

  • Su-Chen Yu, Taipei City Employment Services Office, Director
  • Anne Yang, C+AI Principal Program Manager Lead, and her team Tony Lin, Devin Wong
  • Hedy Ho, M&O Lead
  • Kunchi Tsai, CMO Integrated Marketing Lead
  • Flora Chen, Microsoft 365 business group Lead
  • Sherry Liao, Azure Data and AI senior PMM
  • Ashe Liao, EP Account Technology Strategist
  • Interns from AIOT, Azure BG, CELA, CDS OEM, CMO, IoT, MCS, Microsoft 365, MS Maps & Geospatial, MTC, OCP&SMC, PR, SE, Service Team and Surface BG

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