


2020 年第十七屆領袖營結案報告

2020 年在 30 多位實習生組長總副召們在一個多月的策劃之下,在 8 月 22~ 23 日於新店合歡營地舉辦第十七屆微軟實習的百人領袖營。兩天一夜的活動串連各個環節,除了安排領導力的培訓課程、腦力激盪的行銷企劃競賽外,還有才藝表演的晚會及展現團隊向心力凝聚的戶外活動。期待實習生們在未來一整年的實習經過領袖營能日後體驗實踐 Empower everyone 的微軟使命。

With the dedication of more than 30 interns’ leaders team members, we successfully held the 2020 Leadership Bootcamp at Hohuan Camping Village on August 22/23.By participating the two-day bootcamp, every internnow knows the true meaning of leadership and the importance of teamwork.

The 2020 Leadership Bootcamp is the first step for Microsoft to empower interns and give them a sense of mission and willingness to achieve more. Not only did we organize various of activities such as workshop onleadership, exciting marketing contest, party where everyone could show their talents and have fun together, and outdoor competitionwhich enabled teams to work together.

We hope that internswho joined the bootcamp learned diversified skills which could later be used at work.

Day 1


課程規劃由輔大黃宏嶈資深講師,以團隊的五大障礙為理論基底,並以微軟核心理念: 團隊、誠信、多元包容為課程設計理念,透過系列的 「團隊及領導活動」,從破冰、互動分享、團隊分工合作、溝通協調、 團隊信任關係建立,到最後的反思與回饋,運用體驗方式的學習模式進行分組演練,導引個人與團隊的學習成長曲線,也讓實習生了解團隊領導的五大要領:以身作則、共啟願景、挑戰現狀、使眾能行、激勵人心最後講師請實習生將未來夢想寫在氣球上,透過夢想起飛概念,當微軟四色氣球緩緩上升一圓夢想成真的願景。

Leadership Workshop

Based on Five Obstacles Theory and the core value of Microsoft "teamwork, integrity ,and variety", lecturer Hong-Chung Huang from Fu Jen University used team activities, such as icebreaker, sharing, teamwork, communication, trust, relation building, and review, to help interns acquire new skills and learn the five elements of team leading: leading by example, shared vision, breaking through the comfort zone, incentive, and motivating.

At the end of the session, lecturer Hong-Chung asked interns to write their dreams on balloons. With the balloons flying high in the air, we hope that every intern's dream comes true one day.



Marketing Contest

"Going into the campus" has always been one of Microsoft's most successful activities to make connection with students in different colleges all over Taiwan. In the marketing contest, all interns racked their brains to come up with fantastic ideas and then shared with others. Not only did they show marketing skills, but they also cooperated with people in different departments with different backgrounds. In the end, they all did amazing presentations that we can leverage in out upcoming 2020 campus promotional activities.


晚會的序幕隨著總召們「點燃營火」揭開序幕,微軟實習生們每個人都帶著雀躍的心情,手牽著手同心協力跳著第一支舞開場。接下來,各組代表透過走秀、才藝表演,展現不同於早上的知性一面,讓大家眼睛都為之一亮。終場每個實習生手捧著點燃代表希望的蠟燭共同排成 MS17 字樣,大家環繞著營火歡唱 「MSSEED 微軟實習之歌」結束美好的一天。

Talent Show

The party started as the bootcamp organizers lit a roaring campfire. Everyone joined the energetic opening dance. Also, there were various performances such as singing, rapping, and dancing, which showed everyone their talents and interests. At the end of the party, interns sang the song representing the 2020 Leadership Bootcamp- "The traditional song of MSSEED" together with candles in their hands. As the music stopped, everyone put the candles together into the shape of "MS17", hoping everyone can have a wonderful internship year at Microsoft.

Day 2



Team Building

Although a typhoon was around when the bootcamp was held, it didn't spoil anyone's willingness of participation and dedication. There were still many exciting outdoor activities at the second day. Interns participated in different technical games and challenges. Not only did everyone enjoyed the games, but they learned to cooperate with others to accomplish tough tasks. Moreover, everyone got to know more about others, and thus they became closer. We also hope that this experience and the bond between interns can lead to a better cooperation in the future when they fulfill tasks together at work.



Mental health Lecture

The lecturer from THE GARDEN OF HOPE FOUNDATION shared the concept of Understanding Workplace Violence Prevention and Response including sexual harassment and appropriate behaving at the work site. Start from introduce #Metoo movement, which has made the worldwide paying more attention to sexual harassment.From the issue, the lecturer had invited two interns to the stage to show people should always keep in mind that each person had different body boundaries. At the end of the lesson it showed to all the interns how and what to react when you encounter related issue at the workplace and who you can turn to help. After the whole process, all the interns will know always be respect each other in order to maintain a friendly work environment.

結語 Reflection

The 2020 Leadership Bootcamp is a significant start for interns. They make friends, learn knowledge, try new things, and share ideas. Without the bootcamp, interns would lack the chance to bond and to build a community as a big family with others. Wha's more, in the bootcamp, interns learned more about the concept and mindset of cooperation and the culture of Microsoft.
