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Meet your new favorite game - Classic Tile Match: Fun Puzzle. Tons of entertaining levels, hundreds of engaging colorful objects, an amazing puzzle game for adults! In Classic Tile Match you need to find and match 3 similar 3D objects by putting them into the boxes below. The level in this tile matching game is passed when you match all objects on the deck. Timing matters so the faster you do this - the more points you’ll get. Features: - A whole variety of colorful 3D objects to match: yummy candies, fruits, pets, glossy items, and more! - Pause the gameplay at any moment and resume later from where you left off. - Ability to open amazing new item packs - A free puzzle game! - The more levels you complete, the more points and achievements you will get! Also, don’t forget about the combos: Don’t hesitate and grab the latest tile puzzle, Classic Tile Match, right now! Start playing right away. Join the challenge and find out how far you can go!

Ekran rasmlari


  • A whole variety of colorful 3D objects to match: yummy candies, fruits, pets, glossy items, emoji and more!
  • Pause the gameplay at any moment and resume later from where you left off.
  • Ability to open amazing new item packs
  • A free puzzle game!
  • The more levels you complete, the more points and achievements you will get!
  • Also, don’t forget about the combos

Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot

Ishlab chiqaruvchi

Tilting Point

Ishlab chiqardi:

Tilting Point

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English (United States)

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