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Welcome to the tropical island where young Katie Lockwood has returned to her family’s beautiful yet damaged mansion! She needs your help to rebuild it after a hurricane and bring it back to its former glory! Embark on an adventurous journey: beat match-3 puzzles, decorate rooms according to your taste, restore the mansion’s gorgeous beach and enjoy the company of amusing characters. Get to the bottom of family secrets and find out the Lockwoods’ mysterious history, which began more than two hundred years ago, when pirates plied the surrounding seas! ● PLAY through dynamic match-3 levels and explore picturesque locations around the paradise island ● WIELD incredible boosters and power-up combos ● LIVE out your home designer dreams with hundreds of exciting and colorful options ● CREATE your own unique & stylish tropical manor ● UNCOVER the secrets of Katie’s ancestors and reunite the family ● FOLLOW your friends’ progress with the innovative built-in social network ● UNLOCK all of the mansion's areas to renovate, design and develop! While this game is absolutely free to play, you have the ability to unlock optional bonuses via in-app purchases from within the game. You may disable in-app purchases in your device settings. You can play this game whether you’re offline or online. ______________________________ Game available in: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Traditional Chinese ____________________________ Sign up now for a weekly round-up of the best from G5 Games! ____________________________ G5 Games - World of Adventures™! Collect them all! Search for "g5" in Windows Store! ____________________________ VISIT US: WATCH US: FIND US: FOLLOW US: Terms of Service: G5 End User License Supplemental Terms:

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NEW BREATHTAKING STORY — Katie needs to do an Easter photo shoot for a famous landscape design magazine. The Halls are already rushing to rescue her with stunning new decorations — and aboard a hot air balloon! But the magazine’s editor is the most eccentric boss ever. Can you help Katie accommodate the editor's wishes, gain recognition as the best photographer and earn a contract with the renowned magazine? TROPICAL EASTER — Complete new levels and be rewarded with beautiful avatars, festive decorations and powerful boosters! LOST FRIENDSHIP — While preparing for Vivi’s birthday party, Katie completely forgot Alice was born on the same day! Help Katie restore her lifelong friendship with Alice, who is devastated by her betrayal! MEET MARK — Katie’s father Mark has made it to the mansion. But what convinced him to come back to the place he always thought was built with the blood pirate’s money? FIXES AND IMPROVEMENTS – Your favorite game is only getting better. Check it out! Join the G5 email list and be the first to know about sales, news and game releases! Leave a review and let us know what you think of our latest update. Your feedback helps us provide you with the best experience.

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