Bu oʻyinning bepul sinov nusxasi mavjud



MahJong generates random tile arrangements that gives you infinite game possibilities for this Chinese-inspired favorite. Featuring 10 different tile and table sets, each tile is a delightful, hand-designed work of art, showcased in a 3D view with board rotation and zoom to capture every angle. Select and match pairs of open tiles to remove them from the board, exposing layers of tiles below for more matching. The goal is to match every pair to fully clear the board. Outstanding music completes the experience that will transport you eastward.

Ekran rasmlari


  • Random tile arrangements
  • 10 different tile and table sets
  • Outstanding music completes the experience
  • Full camera control
  • Three difficulty levels

Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot

Ishlab chiqaruvchi


Mualliflik huquqi

2014 baKno Games. All rights reserved.

Ishlab chiqardi:


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136,03 Mb

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3 yosh va undan kattalar uchun

Bu ilova bajara oladi



Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

Til qo‘llab-quvvatlanadi

English (United States)

Noshir haqida ma’lumot

MahJong-HD veb-sayti
MahJong-HD yordami

Bu mahsulot haqida xabar berish

Kirish ushbu o‘yin haqida Microsoft’ga xabar berish uchun
Xabar berish bu mahsulot noqonuniy kontent uchun

Masʼuliyatdan voz kechish

Bu sotuvchi faqat amaldagi barcha qonunlarga mos keladigan mahsulot yoki xizmatlarni taklif qilishini tasdiqladi