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Visual Studio Subscriptions

Showing terms for the Open License (OL) program. Not all terms apply to all products and programs. Get help selecting a program.


Use the chart below to see which Visual Studio Subscriptions products are available with which programs.
Product OL Date Available Program Attribute
MSDN Platforms 6/13 Open Minimum
Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 Subscription 11/21 Open Minimum
Visual Studio Professional 2022 11/21
Visual Studio Professional 2022 Subscription 11/21 Open Minimum
Visual Studio Test Professional 2022 Subscription 11/21 Open Minimum

Product Conditions:

Provides additional information related to acquiring the Product, such as prerequisites for purchase, prior versions, and the applicable Product Pool.

Product Conditions - General
Prior VersionVisual Studio 2019 (3/19)
Product PoolApplications

License Grant for SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse Developer

Each Licensed User of Visual Studio Professional Subscription, Visual Studio Enterprise Subscription and Visual Studio Test Professional Subscription is deemed to have one License for SQL Server 2016 Parallel Data Warehouse Developer.

License Grant for Azure DevOps Server 2022

Each Licensed User of Visual Studio Professional Subscription, Visual Studio Enterprise Subscription, Visual Studio Test Professional Subscription and MSDN Platforms is deemed to have one Server License for Azure DevOps Server and one Azure DevOps Server User CAL. The CAL is for the sole use of the Licensed User.

Microsoft Azure Services

Microsoft Azure benefits cannot be combined from multiple Visual Studio Subscriptions or MSDN Platforms onto a single Microsoft Azure account.

Azure Virtual Desktop

Refer to the Azure Virtual Desktop section of the Microsoft Azure Services for rights to access Azure Virtual Desktop virtual machines.

Use Rights

Identifies the License Terms for each Software Product, including the Universal License Terms, the applicable License Model, and any Product-Specific License Terms. References in Customer’s volume licensing agreement to “Use Rights” refer to the terms included in the Use Rights section of each Software Product Entry.

Use Rights
License TermsUniversal License Terms for all Software
Down EditionsEnterprise to Professional 
External User Access RequirementsNone
Included TechnologiesSQL Server Technology, Windows Software Components, Microsoft SharePoint, Windows SDK, Microsoft Office Components, Microsoft Advertising SDK
NoticesInternet-based Features – All, H.264 and/or VC-1 – All (except MSDN Platforms) - refer to Notices

Third Party Licensing Terms for Open Source Components

Licensed User may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the software, except and to the extent required by third party licensing terms governing use of certain open source components that may be included with the software.

Build Devices and Visual Studio Build Tools

Customer may install copies of the files from Visual Studio Professional, Visual Studio Enterprise, or from Visual Studio Build Tools onto its build devices, including physical devices and virtual machines or containers on those devices, whether on-premises or remote devices that are dedicated solely to Customer’s use, or hosted on Microsoft Azure for Customer, (collectively, “Build Devices”).  Dedicated devices that are under the management or control of an entity other than Customer or one of its Affiliates are subject to the Outsourcing Software Management clause. Customer and others in its organization may use these files on its Build Devices solely to compile, build, and verify programs developed by using Visual Studio Professional or Visual Studio Enterprise, or to run quality or performance tests of those programs as part of the build process.


Customer may copy and install the Utilities listed at onto its devices solely to debug and deploy Customer’s programs and databases that Customer develops with Visual Studio Professional and Visual Studio Enterprise. Utilities are designed for temporary use. Microsoft may not be able to patch or update Utilities separate from the Visual Studio software, and some Utilities by their nature may make it possible for others to access devices on which the Utilities are installed. Customer should delete all the Utilities installed onto a device when it finishes debugging or deploying its programs and databases. Microsoft is not responsible for any third-party use or access of devices, or of the programs or databases on devices, on which the Utilities have been installed.

Developing Extensions

Limits on Extensions.

Customer may not develop or enable others to develop extensions for Visual Studio Professional or Visual Studio Enterprise (or and other component of the Visual Studio family of products) which circumvent the technical limitations implemented in the software. If Microsoft technically limits or disables extensibility for the software, Customer may not extend the software by, among other things, loading or injecting into the software any non-Microsoft add-ins, macros, or packages; modifying the software registry settings; or adding features or functionality equivalent to that found in the Visual Studio family of products.

No Degrading the Software.

If Customer develops an extension for Visual Studio Professional or Visual Studio Enterprise (or any other component of the Visual Studio family of products), Customer must test the installation, uninstallation, and operation of its extension to ensure that such processes do not disable any features or adversely affect the functionality of Visual Studio Professional or Visual Studio Enterprise (or such component) or of any previous version or edition thereof.

Office Professional Plus 2019 – Visual Studio Enterprise Subscription

Each Licensed User of Visual Studio Enterprise Subscription may also install and use one copy of Office Professional Plus 2019 or Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise for production use. Except as provided here, the Office Desktop Applications (Windows) terms applies to the Licensed User’s use of Office Professional Plus 2019 and the Microsoft 365 Applications terms applies to Licensed User’s use of Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise.

Distributable Code

Visual Studio Professional and Visual Studio Enterprise contains code and text files that Customer is permitted to distribute in programs it develops while using such software.

Right to Use and Distribute.

The code and text files listed below are “Distributable Code”.

  • Distributable List.  Customer may copy and distribute the object code form of code listed on the Distributable List located at
  • Sample Code, Templates, and Styles. Customer may copy, modify, and distribute the source and object code form of code marked as “sample”, “template”, “simple styles”, and “sketch styles”.
  • Third-party Distribution. Customer may permit distributors of its programs to copy and distribute the Distributable Code as part of those programs.

Data Collection

The Data Protection Addendum applies to the Product, except (1) the DPA’s statement of compliance with ISO 27001, ISO 27002, and ISO 27018 for processed data does not apply, and (2) use of all data processed by Internet-based Features is governed by the Microsoft Privacy Statement ( and not the DPA, unless other terms accompany such Internet-based Features. Information on connected experiences in Visual Studio, including how to disable access to such experiences, is available here:

Code Inspection

The software includes an optional feature enabling inspection of binary code and reproduction of source code from binary code. Customer agrees to use such feature only to inspect or reproduce software as authorized by its owner or applicable law.

License Model

Developer Tools

User Licenses

  1. One Licensed User may use any number of copies of the software and any prior version on any device for each User License it acquires. Any device that is under the management or control of an entity other than Customer or one of its Affiliates is subject to the Outsourcing Software Management clause.
  2. Licensed Users may use the software for evaluation and to develop, test, and demonstrate Customer’s programs. These rights include the use of the software to simulate an end user environment to diagnose issues related to its programs.
  3. The software is not licensed for use in a Production Environment.

Additional License Terms for Visual Studio Subscriptions

In addition to the rights in the License Model Terms, Customer may allocate a Visual Studio Subscription for each License it acquires. For Visual Studio Subscriptions, the “Software” means software made available to Customer’s subscription level via Visual Studio Subscription Subscriber Downloads. Any online service made available with Customer’s Visual Studio Subscription may not be used in a Production Environment.

Running the Software on Microsoft Azure Services
  1. The Licensed User may run the Software on Microsoft Azure Services during the term of its Visual Studio Subscription.
  2. The use of the Software remains subject to the terms and conditions of Customer’s volume licensing agreement and any terms that come with the Software.
  3. The Developer Tools License Model Terms apply to the use of the Software and Azure Dev/Test offers, except that the Licensed User may not run Office Professional Plus or System Center Virtual Machine Manager for production use on Microsoft Azure Services.
Additional Requirements

To run Software on Microsoft Azure Services Customer must activate its Visual Studio Subscription by linking its Microsoft account to the Visual Studio Subscription.

Acceptance Testing and Feedback

Customer’s end users may access the Software, and online services made available with Customer’s Visual Studio Subscription, to perform acceptance tests or to provide feedback on its programs.

Windows Server Remote Desktop Services

Up to 200 anonymous users at a time may use the Remote Desktop Services feature of the Windows Server software to access online demonstrations of Customer’s programs.

Windows Embedded Product

Each Windows Embedded Product is licensed under the terms that come with it, including any Microsoft obligations related to defense of infringement and misappropriation claims. These terms replace the corresponding terms in Customer’s volume licensing agreement. Each Licensed User may install and use an unlimited number of copies of the licensed Windows Embedded Product.

Data Collection

The Data collection practices of Software are as described in the terms accompanying them.

Software Assurance

Identifies terms and conditions associated with Software Assurance coverage. For details on purchasing Software Assurance and general Software Assurance Benefits, also refer to Software Assurance Benefits.

Software Assurance
SA BenefitsApplications
Disaster RecoveryNone
License MobilityNone
Migration RightsProduct List - March 2014 and Product Terms - September 2015
Roaming RightsNone
Self HostingNone
SA Equivalent RightsYes
Prerequisite (SA)See Software Assurance Benefits

Software Assurance Eligibility

Customers with expiring SA on any Visual Studio Subscription License or an active retail subscription corresponding to the Visual Studio offerings in the Product Terms may renew coverage under any Visual Studio Subscription License. When renewing to a different Subscription level, the new use terms replace the prior use terms, and any software not included in the new Subscription may no longer be used. Renewing into coverage that corresponds to a higher Visual Studio edition is facilitated through Step Up Licenses (refer to Software Assurance Benefits)

Visual Studio Subscription Perpetual Rights

Customer’s rights to use any software licensed through Visual Studio Subscription become perpetual when Customer’s right to use Visual Studio becomes perpetual.

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