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Government competition law matters.     In March 2004, the European Commission issued a decision in its competition law investigation of us. The Commission concluded that we infringed European competition law by refusing to license to our competitors certain protocol technology in the Windows server operating systems and by including streaming media playback features in Windows desktop operating systems. The Commission ordered us to license the protocol technology to our competitors and to develop and make available a version of the Windows desktop operating system that does not include specified media playback software. The Commission also fined us €497 million ($605 million). We appealed the decision to the Court of First Instance. In July 2006, the European Commission determined that we had not complied with the technical documentation requirements of the 2004 Decision, and fined us €281 million ($351 million). We have appealed this fine to the Court of First Instance. We have expensed and paid both fines, pending resolution of the appeals. In March 2007, the European Commission announced a new statement of objections. The new statement of objections claims that the pricing terms we proposed for licensing certain server protocol technology as required by the March 2004 decision are “not reasonable.” The statement of objections threatens to impose new fines of up to €500,000 ($675,000) per day from December 2005 to June 2006, up to €2 million ($3 million) per day from June to July 2006, and up to €3 million ($4 million) per day beginning August 2006. The maximum amount of the potential fine as of June 30, 2007 is $1.58 billion. We have submitted a written response to the statement of objections and are seeking to determine a reasonable royalty rate with the Commission.

In December 2005, the Korean Fair Trade Commission (“KFTC”) ruled that we abused a market dominant position and engaged in unfair trade practices under the Korean Fair Trade Act. The KFTC stated we violated the Act by building instant messaging and media player features into the Windows PC operating system and streaming media technologies into the Windows server operating system. The KFTC imposed a fine of approximately $34 million which we have expensed and paid. The KFTC’s order issued in February 2006 held that our integration of these media and messaging features into the Windows PC and server operating systems was an abuse of monopoly power and unlawful tying in violation of the Korean Fair Trade Act. The order required us to develop and distribute in Korea versions of Windows XP and its successors that do not include Windows Media Player or Windows Messenger functionality. We also may distribute a second modified version of Windows that contains the media and messenger features, as long as it includes promotional links to certain competing media players and instant messengers. We have appealed the KFTC’s decision to the Seoul High Court. In May 2006, the KFTC denied our motion for reconsideration of its ruling, but also dropped the element of its ruling that prohibited us from including media player or instant messaging functionality in any product other than the Windows client operating system for which we have a 50% or greater market share. In other ongoing investigations, various foreign governments and several state attorneys general have requested information from us concerning competition, privacy, and security issues.


Antitrust, unfair competition, and overcharge class actions.     A large number of antitrust and unfair competition class action lawsuits have been filed against us in various state and federal courts on behalf of various classes of direct and indirect purchasers of our PC operating system and certain other software products. We obtained dismissals of damages claims of indirect purchasers under federal law and in 15 states. Courts refused to certify classes in two additional states. We have reached agreements to settle all claims in 20 states.

Under the settlements, generally class members can obtain vouchers that entitle them to be reimbursed for purchases of a wide variety of platform-neutral computer hardware and software. The total value of vouchers that we may issue varies by state. We will make available to certain schools a percentage of those vouchers that are not issued or claimed (one-half to two-thirds depending on the state). The total value of vouchers we ultimately issue will depend on the number of class members who make claims and are issued vouchers. The maximum value of vouchers to be issued is approximately $2.7 billion. The actual costs of these settlements will be less than that maximum amount, depending on the number of class members and schools that are issued and redeem vouchers.

The settlements in all states but Iowa have received final court approval. Settlements in Arkansas and Wisconsin received final court approval in March 2007. The Iowa case settled in February 2007 and the court gave its preliminary approval of the settlement in April 2007. The cases in Mississippi have not been settled. We estimate the total cost to resolve all of these cases will range between $1.7 billion and $1.9 billion. The actual cost depends on factors such as the quantity and mix of products for which claims will be made, the number of eligible class members who ultimately use the vouchers, the nature of hardware and software that is acquired using the vouchers, and the cost of administering the claims. At June 30, 2007, we have recorded a liability related to these claims of approximately $1.2 billion, which reflects our estimated exposure of $1.7 billion less payments made to date of approximately $500 million, mostly for administrative expenses and legal fees.

Other antitrust litigation and claims.    In November 2004, Novell, Inc. filed a complaint in U.S. District Court in Utah, now consolidated with other cases in Maryland, asserting antitrust and unfair competition claims against us related to Novell’s ownership of WordPerfect and other productivity applications during the period between June 1994 and March 1996. In June 2005, the trial court granted our motion to dismiss four of six claims of the complaint. An appeal of that ruling is now pending and the case is effectively stayed during the appeal.


Patent and intellectual property claims.    We are vigorously defending more than 45 patent infringement cases. In the case of Eolas Technologies, Inc. and University of California v. Microsoft, filed in U.S. District Court in Illinois in 1999, the plaintiffs alleged infringement by the browser functionality of Windows. In January 2004, the trial court entered final judgment of $565 million, and entered an injunction against distribution of any new infringing products, but stayed execution of the judgment and the injunction pending our appeal. We appealed and in March 2005 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit reversed the decision and vacated the judgment, based on certain evidentiary rulings of the trial court. The appellate court also reversed the trial court’s decision that the inventors had not engaged in inequitable conduct. Trial has been postponed indefinitely while the parties seek to settle the matter. A settlement is not expected to have a material effect on our financial position, results of operations, or cash flows.

Microsoft and Alcatel-Lucent Matters.     Microsoft and Alcatel-Lucent are parties to a number of legal proceedings relating to certain patents of each of the companies. Some of these actions began before the merger of Alcatel and Lucent in 2006. For simplicity, we refer to the post-merger entity of Alcatel-Lucent throughout the following discussion.

  • In 2003, we filed an action in U.S. District Court in California seeking a declaratory judgment that we do not infringe certain Alcatel-Lucent patents. Alcatel-Lucent has asserted claims under these patents against computer manufacturers that sell computers with our operating system and application software pre-installed. In February 2007, the jury returned a verdict in Alcatel-Lucent’s favor in the first of a series of patent trials, and awarded $1.5 billion in damages. The trial court has dismissed Alcatel-Lucent’s claims with respect to a second group of patents and two patents in a third grouping. Trial on a newly-consolidated group of all remaining patents is scheduled to begin in February 2008.
  • In March 2006, Alcatel-Lucent filed a lawsuit against us in U.S. District Court in California, claiming the Xbox 360 violates one of its patents. In response, we asserted counterclaims that Alcatel-Lucent infringes 10 Microsoft patents by its sales of various products. That case has been set for trial in April 2008.
  • In November 2006, Alcatel-Lucent filed two patent infringement cases against us in U.S. District Court in Texas, asserting IPTV and various networking functionalities violate seven of its patents. In April 2007, we asserted infringement counterclaims based on four of our patents relating to functionality similar to that accused by Alcatel-Lucent. The trial on all of the patents is set for January 2009.
  • In February 2007, we filed a complaint against Alcatel-Lucent with the International Trade Commission claiming Alcatel-Lucent is infringing four Microsoft patents related to our unified communications technology and seeking to prevent the import of certain Alcatel-Lucent unified communications products into the U.S. This matter has been set for trial in October 2007.
  • In April 2007, the Multimedia Patent Trust filed a complaint against Microsoft, Dell, and Gateway in San Diego, California accusing the parties of infringing three video-related patents that originally belonged to Alcatel-Lucent. Alcatel-Lucent created the Multimedia Patent Trust prior to the companies’ merger and transferred the patents at issue to the trust. Motions challenging the validity of the trust and Alcatel-Lucent’s transfer of these patents to it will be heard in September 2007.


The actual costs to resolve these cases will depend upon many factors such as the outcome of post-trial motions, any appeals, and the results of the remaining trials.

In Z4 Technologies, Inc. v. Microsoft, filed in U.S. District Court in Texas in September 2004, the plaintiff alleged that Microsoft Windows and Office product activation functionality violates its patent rights. In April 2006, the jury rendered a $115 million verdict against us. In August 2006, the trial court increased damages by $25 million pursuant to the jury’s finding of willful infringement and awarded Z4 $2 million in attorneys’ fees. We have appealed the verdict.

In Veritas Operating Corporation v. Microsoft, filed in U.S. District Court in Washington in May 2006, a subsidiary of Symantec filed an action asserting trade secret misappropriation, breach of contract, and patent infringement relating to certain storage technologies.

Adverse outcomes in some or all of the matters described in this section may result in significant monetary damages or injunctive relief against us that would adversely affect distribution of our operating system or application products. We may enter into material settlements because of these risks.

Other.    We are also subject to a variety of other claims and suits that arise from time to time in the ordinary course of our business. Although management currently believes that resolving claims against us, individually or in aggregate, will not have a material adverse impact on our financial position, our results of operations, or our cash flows, these matters are subject to inherent uncertainties and management’s view of these matters may change in the future.

As of June 30, 2007, we had accrued aggregate liabilities of approximately $800 million in other current liabilities and approximately $800 million in other long-term liabilities for all of the contingent matters described in this note. While we intend to vigorously defend these matters, there exists the possibility of adverse outcomes that we estimate could be up to $4.15 billion in aggregate beyond recorded amounts. Were an unfavorable final outcome to occur, there exists the possibility of a material adverse impact on the Company’s financial position and on the results of operations for the period in which the effect becomes reasonably estimable.

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